Play Adventure Golf at Västerås Mälarcamping

Play Adventure Golf at Västerås Mälarcamping

Play Adventure Golf in beautiful natural settings at Västerås Mälarcamping. The campsite has opened a 12-hole Adventure Golf course framed with rippling waterfalls, lush flowerbeds and bushes. The 4-star campsite is beautifully situated right beside Lake Mälaren – an ideal location for an Adventure Golf course from City Golf AB.

In addition to the golf course, which opened a while back and is very well-visited, the campsite has a shallow shelving beach and extensive green areas for all the family to enjoy. There is a small supermarket, a restaurant and many entertaining activities. Accommodation includes caravans, tents and hire cabins. The campsite is close to Asköviken nature reserve and Tidö Castle, popular sightseeing destinations.

>> Read more on the Västerås Mälarcamping website.