Mini golf in China – high-quality timber impressed the Chinese

Mini golf in China – high-quality timber impressed the Chinese

For a few weeks, people in the Chinese city of Qingdao have been playing mini golf on City Fun Park golf facilities from City Golf. Per Kjellin at Concept Capsule coordinated the importation of the City Golf systems. He explains that the mini golf facilities were installed to boost the other attractions at the complex, including a café and a large venue for courses and training events.

“Qingdao is the place where the sailing events were held during the 2008 Olympics in Peking, so we’re hoping for plenty of visitors. Drop by if you’re passing through,” says Per. He adds: “The Chinese are unanimously impressed with the high-quality Swedish wood – which of course we know they would be!”

These pictures show the golf systems being delivered and installed, and what the golf facility looked like just before opening to the public. Click on the pictures to enlarge them.