City Golf Europe on tour. We’ve done Italy – Now visit us in Germany and the UK!

City Golf Europe on tour. We’ve done Italy – Now visit us in Germany and the UK!

City Golf Europe is On Tour! We will make stop-offs at three of our existing Adventure Golf facilities in Europe. We have invited prospective customers, and the event has generated enormous interest. Last week we visited Union Lido near Venice in Italy, this week we visit Feriencamp Schloss Dankern in Germany and next week we will meet our customers at the Bristol Golf Centre and the Celtic Manor Resort in the UK. Do you want to know more about how to increase your profits with our popular golf courses? Book to attend one of the dates today!

Last week’s meeting at the Union Lido attracted 32 visitors. They included representatives of some of Italy’s and Croatia’s leading hotel, campsite and apartment chains and other companies. City Golf Europe offered lunch, dinner and Adventure Golf on the beautiful course and talked about profitability, quality, low maintenance costs and high enjoyment – all characteristics of City Golf Europe's golf courses.

On 7 November we will visit Feriencamp Schloss Dankern in Harem/Ems in north-west Germany, and on 14 November we stop off at the Bristol Golf Centre in the UK. On that day dinner will be served at the Celtic Manor Resort, where we have also installed Adventure Golf facilities. We will invite the participants to play on these two Adventure Golf to experience the high quality and unique design for themselves. Do you want to join us?