Adventure golf course in Feddet is now complete!

Adventure golf course in Feddet is now complete!

The course built by Scandinavian Minigolf AB in Feddat is now finished. All that remains to do is the planting. The course, which we reported on earlier here on the news page, has been built at TopCamp Feddet on the scenic Feddet peninsula in Denmark.

The first photo shows a miniature copy of the familiar Fulgetornet birdwatching tower on the Feddet peninsula. Fedgården, which is another well-known building on Feddet, has also been reproduced in miniature.

The course offers a number of challenging obstacles as well as a putting green where visitors can practice their putting skills before tackling the adventure course and competing for an ice cream or to decide who has to wash the dishes in the modern rented cabin in the evening.

More information about TopCamp Feddet ca be found on